Here are a few of my favorite inspirational authors and thought leaders on various topics that matter. Enjoy and let me know if you have others that you find valuable.
Individual Development
Leadership Circle Assessment
Growth Mindset
A philosophy that unlocks performance and compassion for individuals, teams, and companies.
Book: link
Video: link
An oldy but a goody, incredible foundational principles to live a life of integrity and success.
Book: Link
Leadership Pipeline
Great book for talking about the changes in work values, time application, and skills needed as one moves through their career from individual contributor to various levels of management.
Book: Link
Video: Link
The Power of Story
Our life is really a compilation of stories. The lessons that we take from our stories and how we author our next chapters determines our success. This book walks you through the process to be a purposeful author of the rest of your life.
Book: link
4,000 Weeks
A great look at what productivity and happiness is all about.
Book: link
Younger Next Year
White Fragility
As a white man, I can say this is required reading for folks who identify as white (and others might enjoy as well but they probably have enough lived experience where the content will feel sadly overly familiar). It helps to reframe the topic of racism in a way that I need to hear.
Book: link
How to Be An Anti-Racist
Great framing and clarity on how to be active in living the values of anti-racism and avoid performative or passive support.
Book: link
Neuroscience- David Rock coined the term Neuroscience, looking at the connection between brain chemistry and our behaviors. His SCARF model is truly game changing since it addresses how we perceive rewards and threats in our environment.
Debra Rowland
Great methodology how to make deep change happen. She has 4 archetypes to help think about different ways to lead and integrates mindfulness in her approach.
Book- Link
Timothy Clark describes an easy 4 step model on how to think about change. I especially like the focus on energy transfer to get a change started and then how it evolves over the course of an initiative.
Book: link
Immunity to Change
Team Evolution
Brené Brown
An incredibly important visionary for this day on culture and leadership. She covers an immense amount of ground from research on shame, vulnerability, and corporate culture.
Website: Link
Book: Link
Adam Grant
A prolific thought leader on company culture and motivations. His latest book focuses on how to challenge our own assumptions.
Book: Link
Daniel Pink
Pink’s work on motivation is simple and compelling. Video is a must watch for it’s clarity and challenging stance.
Book: link
Video: link
Created through comprehensive research by the Gallup organization, this book outlines a great framework for assessing and improving wellbeing in all aspects of your life
Book: link
Scott Shute led the mindfulness work at LinkedIn and is a renowned speaker and coach. His focus is bringing compassion to corporate cultures. His book talks about how to find your purpose in your life among other brilliant insights.
Book: link
Happiness Lab
Dr. Laurie Santos created the most sought after course at Yale focusing on happiness. She has since curated an online course and a podcast called the Happiness Lab where she points out practices to build your own happiness that are often counter intuitive.
Podcast- Link
Yale Course- Link (and, remarkably, it is free)
Shawn Achor
A compelling speaker and researcher on happiness. He outlines basic strategies to help lead a more happy life.
Book- Link
Jay Shetty
A prolific podcaster and author, Jay Shetty started out as a monk after college and now shares simple lessons learned from those days that can serve all of us in our daily lives. He also does a nice comparison between Monk Mind and Monkey Mind. I especially like his morning routine: TIME (Thankfulness, Insight, Meditation, Exercise)
Book: link
Morning Routine: Video