Be Well Lead Well® is an amazing survey and debrief process to evaluate if someone is Thriving and what to do to improve their life on multiple dimensions. If you are interested in the survey, send me a note and prepare to be amazed by the insights provided. You can also check out the video below to learn more.
Dr. Laurie Santos created the most sought after course at Yale focusing on happiness. She has since curated an online course and a podcast called the Happiness Lab where she points out practices to build your own happiness that are often counter intuitive.
A compelling speaker and researcher on happiness. Shawn Achor outlines basic strategies to help lead a more happy life. His writing is compelling and full of stories that will make you laugh and smile.
Or watch his Tedx Talk below to get a preview of the book….
A prolific podcaster and author, Jay Shetty started out as a monk after college and now shares lessons learned from that experience that can serve all of us in our daily lives. He also does a nice comparison between Monk Mind and Monkey Mind. I especially like his morning routine: TIME (Thankfulness, Insight, Meditation, & Exercise)
Created through comprehensive research by the Gallup organization, this book outlines a great framework for assessing and improving wellbeing in all aspects of your life.